How Do I Keep My Plants Healthy Through Winter?
Have you ever considered bringing in a couple of your garden plants for the winter? Well, my husband did and it was worth while!
What about those houseplants that just don't get enough light through the winter? I always have a few that seem to be screaming, "help me!" by the end of winter.
Last Thanksgiving, I was at my brother in law's for dinner and I noticed these curious little lights that he had stuck in all of his plants. They had arms that look like antennae and cast a purple glow. His plants were really green and healthy!
I decided to give them a shot and ordered one for my hubby off of Amazon. He had dug up a pepper plant from his garden and brought it into the basement. Our basement is really dark and the only light source is the one that I am referring to. That plant is thriving and will, no doubt, produce a harvest of peppers this Spring. It turns out we love it and are ordering more! The adjustable arms make it easy to maneuver the light source so that it gets to all parts of the plant. There is a timer switch on the cord that can be set so that you don't have to worry about how much light your plant is getting.
These little lights are economical to purchase and easy to use. They have a clamp that clamps on to the side of the flower pot. There are 3 light bars that are easily adjustable.
While I don't think that this light will make me look like I just got back from Florida with a nice tan, I liked it so much that I wanted to share the information with you. I really love this little light and have gotten so much winter happiness from it!
Here is the link if you want to check them out on Amazon.
Inspiring the Well-Lived Home,
Julie Atkins
Milkweed Farms
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